Join us for a fun filled night at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse and watch the romantic comedy unfold on stage. Xanadu follows the journey of a magical and beautiful Greek muse, Kira, who descends from the heavens of Mount Olympus to Venice Beach, California in 1980 on a quest to inspire a struggling artist, Sonny, to achieve the greatest artistic creation of all time – the first ROLLER DISCO! (Hey, it's 1980!) But, when Kira falls into forbidden love with the mortal Sonny, her jealous sisters take advantage of the situation, and chaos abounds.
Optional: bring about $15-$20 for the concession stand. TMP offer Sensory Bags that can be checked out at the box office (noise reducing headphones, sunglasses, marble maze, stress ball, mesh marble fidget, a laminated information card, and single use calm strips and earplugs.)