Community Inclusion

What are Community Inclusion services?

Community Inclusion is an individualized service that provides individuals with opportunities to engage in community based activities that support socialization, education, recreation and personal development for the purpose of: building and strengthening relationships with others in the local community who are not paid to be with the person and learning, practicing and applying skills that promote greater independence and inclusion in their community.

Services are individualized, integrated, in their local community, and offer contribution and connection.

 Who is eligible for Community Inclusion services?

Community Inclusion (CI) is available to individuals who have participated in nine months of DDA employment services and choose to add Community Inclusion. Clients who are 62 years and older may participate in CI without having to first participate in employment services. 

It is available for those individuals on the Basic Plus and Core Waivers, clients receiving Roads to Community Living (RCL), individuals in Skilled Nursing Facilities (PASRR), and Residential Habilitation Centers (RHC). 

 Can I have Community Inclusion and Employment services at the same time?

Yes! As of January 2023 folks are eligible for dual services. Check with your case resource manager.

What activities are available to participate in as part of Community Inclusion services?

Community activities are as varied as your interests (e.g., club memberships, volunteering, etc.) as long as they meet four simple criteria:

1.     Individualized based on your interests

2.     Integrated with other individuals without disabilities in the community

3.     Activities that are typically experienced by the general public in your local community; accessible by public transit or a reasonable commute from your home

4.     Ability to contribute and develop relationship with community members who are not paid staff.


What activities are NOT available to participate in as part of Community Inclusion Services?

Community Inclusion services cannot be used to support you in some community activities.  These activities include:  specialized and/or segregated activities with only individuals with disabilities, isolating activities with no opportunities to develop relationships with community members who are not paid staff, or activities that don’t occur in your local community.


Can Community Inclusion services be provided to more than one individual at a time?

YES, it can be provided for 2 to 3 individuals at the same time; IF the activity is a shared interest of all participants and meets the guidelines of integrated setting, local community and ability to contribute and develop relationships with other individuals without disabilities in the community who are not paid staff.

What can I expect from my Community Inclusion service?

Your Community Inclusion provider will meet with you and through a process of Discovery and person centered planning identify your individual interests to develop a Community Inclusion plan with strategies to access community opportunities consistent with your interests in your local community. The activities will be integrated and provide opportunities to contribute and develop relationships with people in your community who are not paid staff.

Will I always have a staff person with me in the community?

You will always have appropriate supports to participate safely in community activities; however, your Community Inclusion staff may not always be present.  The ideal outcome of the service is that you develop relationships with other community members with similar interests who will support you in the activity so that the Community Inclusion staff can fade from that activity and look for additional opportunities for you to participate in community activities of interest.

What if I don’t know what I want to do in the community?

Your Community Inclusion provider is trained to help you identify areas of interest through a process of Discovery where you are provided various opportunities in the community to see what you most enjoy or show interest in.  In addition, they will seek input from those who know you best.